Tuesday, January 31, 2006
earlier than it once was
from a hotel room in rapid city, south dakota. i ordered the newest cell phone on the market, just to say that i have the newest cell phone on the market. i had swordfish tonight, which is more or less a worthwhile venture in any state. w. was on the television, though the time zone change always makes things more bizarre for me. alito was sworn in as well on this day, an event that has caused a predictable amount of support from me. all of these things have little to do with my current location.
it all makes sense.
captain america says...
Monday, January 30, 2006
jack and trixie
Sunday, January 29, 2006
surfin usa
i really dig those styles they wear
last week the suggestion was made by someone in my firm's portland office, that i should move to the other coast. t. price has coincidentally contemplated such action in his own life. or so it was written.
i wish they all could be california girls
portland isn't california, and i'm partial to hip. maybe i'll move, and remember the song in a different order. maybe the east is home. the kids on the oc and laguna beach, they have stress. it's vital to the script. maybe they're partial to hip as well. brian wilson has never met me, but he probably should. i have a way of seeing things, and maybe we're closer than the song would suggest.
hang ten pappas
Saturday, January 28, 2006
when i read this sun article about her getting into modelling i became excited. this passage especially brought back memories:
In the process of shedding her tomboy image Avril has begun experimenting with cosmetics and clothes.i remember when i first experimented with cosmetics. i was fifteen and my parents were out for the day. of course, i didn’t know any better so i tried all the products at the same time: eyeliner, rouge, lipstick. now I know not to mix cosmetics, but that day i experienced the dark side of estee lauder. i ended up floating around the house for a while and then puking for an hour in cold sweats. i had to lock myself in my room when my parents came home and say i had gotten the flu. i woke up the next morning with a massive hangover (smudged lipstick, eyeliner smeared, and traces of red and black on my hands and sheets).
Friday, January 27, 2006
just thought that i had to be in compton soon
i once considered that had my person been cultivated in the hood, or in a hood of any sort, that things may not have turned out any differently. this doesn't necessarily frighten me, nor does it interject any significant level of fate-based vision on my part.
currently, i live in the city. i'm close enough to the beach to matter. and i'm not home enough to care. i consistently wake up to sub-par videos on the television, though i rarely make a change in that regard. i take more time planning the discs in my car's changer than i do in planning a rare day when i'm slotted to do development work in my office. packing for a business trip is an art i'm studying. a well fitting suit can be drastically underrated. red wine every night, and there are very few exceptions to that, no matter what city i'm in. my cell minutes in a given month surprise me. every time.
i think that somewhere in between here and there, these are some of the things that could matter to someone.
life is short
Thursday, January 26, 2006
minus the bear, mates of state, the magic numbers, thomas dybdahl, cat power, ted leo, the m’s, nada surf, ok go, the go! team, new pornographers, sia, her space holiday
hint: chenault won’t be there
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
another nice guy
okay, first things fuckin' last!RIP
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
bonjour fish-man
expectation, on the other hand, provides a multi-dimensional driver for change. happiness that extends from this sort of catalyst can be valued at a higher level of worth. the realist sees the future with this sort of outlook. for better, for worse, and everywhere in between, the energy spent longing for the unexpected is better spent valuing the known road ahead.
Monday, January 23, 2006
break out the champagne. of beers.
down here, i believe
it's not that people are different here
i'm just more willing to notice
saturday night
a girl asks me what i do for a living
what do you call this, i ask
blank stare, half smile, no words
i can't help but think...
maybe you're right
will work for food
is that what she was looking for?
if life has become too complex
if drawing that line is no longer possible
is it ok with you if we stay alive for a while longer?
i can change
to care is not to understand
i care very much about living
my bag is full of pencils
Sunday, January 22, 2006
give to caesar
from the city
i remember being bored once
1995, a night at the beach
maybe that would have been an opportunity
things are different now
Saturday, January 21, 2006
baby you can drive my pickup
speaking from another
tell me something beautiful,
but maybe not so typical
as a walk on the beach
or cuddling by the fire,
cause i need more
than just air to breathe,
or a sweet idea
of what love is meant to be.
where are we now,
that it seems like so long ago
we both believed
our precious notions.
and through it all
i pinch myself;
but i'm trapped in restless sleep,
looking for the dream
that i want to awake to,
but it flickers away in a
mist of misunderstanding
and causes pity to rain down
and wash the ground
away into some nothing.
and so day after day
i sit lonesome,
wishing for something typical;
just for starters i'll build you a fire, and we can walk along
the beach to your heart's desire, if you promise not to go,
and i'll call you beautiful, because that's who you are.
Friday, January 20, 2006
love spelled backwards is evol
Thursday, January 19, 2006
a bland flavor...
picked up at seven-thirty. stretch hummer. twenty-twos. runs on polluted water extracted from the mouths of drowned white katrina victims. we drive fast. chocolate cities conform to actions such as this. the excessive heat does little to dampen the mood. no a/c. funds are best diverted to diversity. museums. galleries. these are important. people need to see where they come from. they learn from it. white males develop guilt from it. nobody goes.
conversation is kept at a minimum. the budget is equally as tight in this regard. remembering when jazz was not important. i'm not comfortable with that. cajun food is overrated. nagin begins to compare the levees to a street curb. i'm wondering if either is worthy of continued mention. he loses me in a sea of saints fans. they're on their way to texas. i'm considering leaving as well. coastline without a beach should never be trusted. and i don't drink milk. people like nagin wouldn't understand that. people like nagin like to rebuild. they alter milk because it wasn't right the first time. they fix things, then forget. nobody pays attention. i prefer to make better selections.
maybe that's being a little vanilla.
damage control
"How do you make chocolate? You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is the chocolate I am talking about," he said. "New Orleans was a chocolate city before Katrina. It is going to be a chocolate city after. How is that divisive? It is white and black working together, coming together and making something special."
~new orleans mayor Nagin (from cnn)
ah, yes. The old, ‘mix anything with chocolate and you get chocolate’ multiplicative property of chocolate. But is he suggesting that the minority mint population doesn’t work as hard as the white and black? If so this error is egregious indeed, because as anyone who has dined at the upscale olive garden knows, those after supper mints look chocolate. But, oh, the taste is something altogether different and magical.
break bread in the house of the removed
i set the cold
chose the late
how can i feel the sun
when the stars don't mean anything
i learn when i want to
not that there's anyone out there to teach
it's just that i can easily filter life
into the tiny pixels that compose
i like that the sun lacks this ability
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
for chelsea
his body’s perfection
her soul’s decay
before anyone cries syllabic rape consider:
In the beginning is the form. In Japanese a haiku is traditionally 5-7-5 sound syllables. All languages cannot duplicate this method of counting syllables so foreign language writers must decide to either follow the method by writing 5-7-5 syllables in their own language. However if they prefer to imitate the product, the translated Japanese haiku, their poems must consist of less words. In English we cannot have both method and translated product correct in one poem so each of us must choose one system or the other. Beginners (especially if better acquainted with Western poetry) often do well to follow the 5-7-5 discipline at first. Later, when they become comfortable with saying what they want said in the least words, as it is easier to switch to the shorter styled haiku in a natural movement. This does not mean that 5-7-5 haiku are beginners' work; many, many very good writers insist on remaining with the form scheme.from jane reichhold
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
wonder...full...never fooled
over the last two weeks, i have earned more than ten thousand frequent flyer miles. words like bonus and segment and upgrade have found their way into this convoluted mind of mine. in chicago, a man (no woman could pull such a thing) grabbed my overcoat in a hurried attempt to reach a connecting flight. inexplicably, i returned his similarly tailored garment to the lost and found. wishful thinking comes in grey tweed as simply as it does midnight black. it's just that i traded much of my time for the expertise that came in selecting just the right coat, a ralph lauren for christ's sake. the airlines delayed my luggage three days later. tuesday, today, was spent wearing monday's clothes, and without an overcoat. pinstriped pants cannot account for everything that we lack. write that down.
philadelphia. denver. chicago. washington d.c. charlotte. rapid city. new york. new york. pierre. back to philly, y'all. this is my life, in a two week photograph.
mtv isn't satisfying, and it has nothing to do with bad videos. when i look at my ipod nano, black, four gig, impeccably simple, i wonder why it's not smaller. i wonder why i haven't slept in my own bed for two weeks. can magazines replace east coast air? i have more passwords than accounts. ketel one, splash of tonic, twist of lime. that's where i'm headed. it's the new you. it's still the same me. welcome. rewind. pause. frame by frame, please. it's just that's it's been a while.
i've been naked in the ocean before. there are some things that can fail to live up to expectations without ever disappointing. don't ask me to list their names.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
a matter of time
Friday, January 13, 2006
Thursday, January 12, 2006
extended youth
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
a wild bore
...getting trapped in an academic feedback loop of writing is pretty damn useless. All you do is hang out with other would-be writers, writing writerly little stories to impress them. You're not actually learning much about anything or anyone else. My own guess is that this has led to the really fabulously boring world of modern literary fiction, where all the writing is terribly clever but doesn't actually say anything of consequence to anyone who's not already a writer or wishing they were. In other words, modern literary fiction is just like sitting in a room full of people who are delighted to smell their own farts. Good for them, but I'd like to go outside, if it's all the same.
i recognize myself as one of the people in the room. and i feel pretty good about it. experience over imagination? i disagree with scalzi on this. after all, there is skill in being terribly clever but saying nothing of consequence. but there is even more skill in saying something altogether new using characters who are clever but say nothing of consequence. and sometimes saying nothing of consequence to non-writers is a heavy statement itself.
Monday, January 09, 2006
brad pitt saved the city, man
define satisfaction. lately i've been capable of doing so for a given moment. sometimes, chaos ensues. other times, i'm simply content to sit on leather chairs, drink vodka martinis, enjoy the quiet of the surroundings that i created. that this can be done from within the city should not surprise you. the idiocy of this portal of a world has little to do with my ability to control any particular portlet. you couldn't stop me if you wanted to.
i win. again. surprise.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
lemurs man
today i won hundreds of dollars because of a football game that i did not play in. today mtv ran a documentary about the difficulties of paying 600 a month in rent. it's not that i wished that those people watched more football, because the solution must be more complex than that. complexity breeds the results that the most capable among us find useful. the fact that i aligned myself with a sports team from the country's capitol has little to do with that.
it is now that time of the night where i head to a bar with no diluted rum, no specks, and the high probability of being admired. the details fold themselves around such things.
like a pro. noun.
Friday, January 06, 2006
hello, you
disappear here...
n.y. s.o.s.
the new strokes album is getting good reviews. it is--correctly--being heralded as a departure from is this it? (and also room on fire) territory. that is, it is good we didn't get another clone of the first two records. but is it really better? after hearing "juicebox", their first single, i thought not. but it has indeed grown on me with repeated listenings. i am also very fond of "razorblade". but the other couple songs i've heard seem bland and almost alt-y. more pelvis and less grey matter.