
Sunday, March 19, 2006

SXSW friday roundup

i know this is a day late, but saturday was just too busy. anyway, friday night was grand in terms of sets and weather. we attended stubb's from eight until one a.m. this venue is one of the few open-air stages and the sky was a pretty orange/gray for the whole night. after two bands that i didn't recognize and didn't note as anything spectacular the subways rocked the knickers off the place. the pixie-ish bassist won everyone over after a mere thirty seconds and i can't say for sure that i'd turn her down if she asked me to marry her today. the boyish singer climbed the speaker stacks no less than four times and jumped a good fifteen feet back to the stage each time. next came metric (whose attractive singer sang a song with the stills on saturday, but i'm getting ahead of myself). their set was kind of up and down, half the time i was entranced and the remainder i found the songwriting unimpressive. of course, when i say so-so i am speaking relatively, and that means it would still beat any other non-sxsw show with a cane. the magic numbers came on with a flourish of hippie spunk. it was at this point that my friday-night-friend brian, a scottish bloke, dipped his shamrock necklace (it was st. patrick's day, dig) in his guiness ale and then licked it and gave it to me as an international peace offering. it worked, and we have a truce for the next two years.

if you were waiting for the grand finale of a snow patrol review, you may be disappointed. we left before "snoo pahtrohl", much to the dismay of brian. but, hey, we had things to do.

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