
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

conversation no. 43

p: so how do i know if i’m in love?

t: that question is your answer.

p: no, really. don’t give me some abstract statement. help me.

t: there are two types of people in the world. there are those that care very much what others wear during sex and those that don’t. it is totally dividing, and there is little-to-no crossing of the line. those that care tend to get really annoyed at partial nudity, as if you can’t bring fashion into the bedroom. the most frequent offender is socks, but wristbands, fedoras, kerchiefs, and things of this nature all inspire ire amongst those types. if you and this girl are on different sides of this dividing issue, there is no way it will work out.

p: that doesn’t answer my question at all.

t: exactly.

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