it is once again time to gear up for the fall fashion season as new york's olympus fashion week is about to conclude. time has a slideshow depicting highlights of the week. my favorite is actually the first photo of jake from the scissor sisters. wonka meets a gay freddie mercury. but boy can he sing. in the spirit of the week, i will answer any fashion questions posted in the comments section. here's a freebie:
q. is a sweater vest too informal to wear with a suit?
a. no, with discreet pinstripes you should wear a subdued blue or charcoal gray vest. a plaid suit would call for a bolder vest. but avoid matching the vest's pattern with your socks or tie. wearing argyle socks with an argyle vest will look too studied.
wearing loafers with any socks depends on the fashion trends at the time. gray or brown socks can be worn with penny loafers this year, although going sockless gives a more preppy image. avoid stripe-patterned socks, however. argyle patterns and the like are fine.