
Sunday, October 01, 2006


i am tired. there are leaves all over my back yard from a storm. i just met art last week, but it wasn’t summer. we acted like it was. i think what i really want is some confirmation. a hint from people i’ve almost forgotten. they remember the most detailed things of no consequence about me. i want to know what i used to be like and retread that ground. i think it involved a girl and a bottle. one thing is certain, however. i am tired. and the leaves are everywhere.


  1. nothing brings out the comment bloggers like myself as does a request for information regarding the time when you were young and had hair. although much of my memory has faded, like the pre-faded jeans you bought for 400 dollars in san francisco, i recall a man on the verge of mediocrity. struggling to keep a thin veneer of dignity while the rest of his world crumbled. i remember an awakening the first day he opened the book "american psycho" and i remember the hours he sat intently watching the other book on the coffee table "homosexuals." i remember what an honest day of work meant and that time he chased benny the midget around the ice cream parlor. these were the days we have all tried to forget. your reminiscing can only mean that you are retreating further into a cocoon of self-absorption and occasional emulsion.

  2. the cocoon is shrinking. i had almost forgotten that time. and i had completely blacked out benny. benny was a friend of mine.
