
Sunday, November 12, 2006


i spent a good chunk of this sabbath working at the office. as i was the only one there, i played some profane jams out loud and got hyphy in the halls. whenever my progress was halted by either fate or my own lack of intelligence i jogged around the building singing call-and-answer army chants. somehow time flew by in this manner; type, type, sing, sing, dance, type. in the end, however, i got the result i had been working toward for three weeks. whether it was isolation of the empty office or the cardio workout breaks that were responsible i can only guess. what is not in question, though, is that i pulled an eriq lasalle-in-e.r.-like punch of satisfaction move when i reached my goal.


  1. were you finally able to iterate through a link list? congrats. i'll be sending some champagne over shortly. non-vintage of course.

  2. try debugging code on a dual core with user signals interrupting every five seconds. even if you ignore them, threads switch without warning and continue several lines before the mutex kicks in. thus, there is no way to get back to the frame you were switched from.

    wait... it's a linked list? fuck.
